3. Sprint Planning meeting
Notes from the video: I have tried to type the contents in this video as part of my reference. Please check the video link.
Team has already conducted backlog refinement meeting. Now we are ready for Sprint Planning meeting.
Team Room
Scrum Master: Hello. As your ScrumMaster, I'll be facilitating our sprint planning meeting. During this meeting the product owner and the development
team will agree to sprint goals and will negotiate which items from the product backlog will be committed to the sprint backlog. We have a 4 hour timebox
to plan in a 2 weeks sprint. Any questions?
typically on 1st wk Monday 9am to 1pm
--(Two week sprint (wk 1 M-F and wk 2-M-F)
--Wk -1Monday- Sprint planning meeting (4 hours- 9 am to 1 pm), wk 2 Wed Backlog Refinement Meeting ( 2 hours 1-3pm), Sprint review meeting 2nd
--Friday (2 hrs 10-12) noon and again 2nd week Friday (2 hours 1-3pm).)
Quiz 1 (scrum master)
What's the difference between the product backlog and the sprint backlog?
No A. There is no difference
No B. The product backlog contains features, while sprint backlog contains bugs.
Yes C. The product backlog contains everything we might ever work on, while sprint backlog contains just the things we'll work on during one sprint.
Scrum Master: Also during this meeting, the team will come up with an initial list of tasks necessary to complete the committed PBIs.
|Committed backlog items Not started In Progress completed |
Quiz 2: Scrum Master
Should the team expect to know all the tasks necessary to complete the committed PBIs during the Sprint Planning Meeting?
Yes A. No. According to Agile Management with Scrum, only 60% of the tasks are likely to be identified during the Sprint Planning Meeting. Other tasks,
such as unanticipated dependencies, will be discovered during Sprint execution.
No B. Yes. The most important thing is to make sure everyone is busy every hour of the entire Sprint.
Scrum Master: In the original scrum book, this is a 2 part meeting. Sprint Planning Part 1 is for committing the product Backlog Items (PBIs), and Sprint
Planning Part 2 is for coming up with tasks. This is important for multi-team Scrum. Since we are only one team and the product owner is available the
whole meeting, we can mix up the two parts. Product Owner, is the product proritized the way you want it?
Product Owner: Well, mostly. I just realized that GPA is more important than Attendance.
As a student, I see my grades online so that I don't have to wait until get to school to know whether I'm passing. Acceptance Criteria/Done.
View Grades, current semester: As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm
As a teacher, I can update grades online so I no longer depend on administrators to do it for me.
Event Calendar
Alumni Archives
Scholarship award
Report Card
View Grades, previous semester: As a student, I can see my old grades because I lost my report card.
Product Owner continued: That's more like it. Fortunately we got the Product Backlog into good shape during the last Product Backlog Refinement Meeting.
Team Member: How long is the Sprint that we are planning?
Quiz 3: Team member
What is the longest allowable iteration, or Sprint, in Scrum?
Yes A. 30. days, or one month calendar month
No B. Six weeks
No C. It depends how much work was committed to the Sprint.
Scrum Master: we do two weeks Sprints on this team.
Team Member: two weeks? So we'll do the testing in another sprint?
No A. Yes. We cannot learn how to code and test in one Sprint.
Yes B No. In
Scrum Master Continued: Scrum teams attempt to build a potentially shippable product incremenat every sprint. This requires every Sprint to have a mix of
analysis, design, implementation, testing,integration and even deployment.
Team Member: How will we get all that done in two weeks?
Scrum Master: During Backlog Refinement, we divided the original epics into smaller user stories, representing thin vertical slices. We'll still have to work
together during the sprint more than a traditional team. That's why we go to the team room. Also remember it's my job to prevent other people from
interrupting you with unrelated work.
Product Owner: If anyone asks you to do anything unrelated to our Sprint goals, send them to me so we can add it to the Product Backlog. I won't interrupt
your Sprint unless it's an emergency.
Quiz: 5
How can one Scrum team build a potentially shippable product increment within one Sprint?
Yes A. By agreeing to a smaller amount of feature scope at the Sprint Planning Meeting, allowing more time for integration, testing, and fixing during each
Yes B. By using modern software engineering approaches such as test-driven development (TDD), continuous integration, merciless refactoring
Yes C. By improved collaboration techniques: pair programming, working in a team room, and eliminating "over the wall" hand offs.
Yes D. By full-time allocation to one team, focusing on only one set of sprint goals.
Yes E. By checking code in multiple times per day, and by reducing or eliminating branches in the version control system
Yes F. By organizing teams around features rather than architectual components.
No G. They cannot do it. It's too difficult to code and test in one sprint.
Quiz 6
A 30-day Sprint uses a 1-day timebox for the Sprint Planning Meeting. How long should the Sprint should the Sprint Planning Meeting be for two weeks
No A. 1 day
No B. 15 minutes
Yes C. 4 hours
No D. 1 hour
ScrumMaster: Don't forget the timebox, guys. You have 4 hours to plan a two week Sprint.
Team Member: What are our goals for this Sprint.
Product owner: This Sprint I'd be happy to see some rudimentary capabilities with grading.
Team Member: This is the product Owner's top prority item. Do the rest of you think we could do this in our two-week Sprint?
Product Owner:View Grades, Current Semester:
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Team member: What's our definition of done?
Quiz7: ScrumMaster
To avoid technical debt, what should the team write down in their definition of done?
Yes A. All previous regression tests pass.
Yes B. Regression tests for new functionality run automatically with every build.
Yes C. Code has been written by pairs, or at least reviewed by other team members.
No D. Nothing. It is not helpful to write down important agreements
Yes E. Duplicate code has been removed through refactoring
Yes F Messy and poorly designed code has been cleaned up through refactoring.
Yes G. Manual, exploratory testing has been conducted.
Yes H. Checkout and build are fully reproducible, typically with one or two commands.
ScrumMaster: Done is properly tested, refactored, potentially shippable
Team Member: I think I get it. We're building a product increment which could be shipped if the product Owner decided it has enough features.
Product Owner: I can live with something that works properly. The complexity can be folded in later.
Team Member: Does everyone agree the View Grades, current semester PBI will require some testing tasks?
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester:
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Quiz 8: Team Member
Do you agree the PBI will need some testing tasks?
Yes A. Yes. If the team learns to use Test Driven Development (TDD), some of this will be handled implicitly and repeatably. Manual exploratory testing is
also important.
No B. No. Testing should be done at the end of the project. There's always enough time at the end of the project.
Scrum Master: ( adds Test to not Started)
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester: Test
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Team Member: Also, we have to decide how to access the grades database,
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester: Test, grades database
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Team Member: It will take a little design work to lay out the page.
ScrumMaster: ( adds Page layout)
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester: Test, grades database,
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have Page Layout
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Team Member -1: What about the code?
Team Member -2: Write code using test driven development (TDD) and pair programming
Team Member -1: Our Test driven Development (TDD) skills aren't that good yet. This will take a bit longer than our old way of working.
ScrumMaster: Yes, initially it will feel like going slower. If you commit as a team to use Agile engineering practices consistently, you'll eventually be faster
from a business perspective. Using craftmanship to build innovative products is not about how fast you type code. What other tasks are missing to het this
into a potentially shippable state?
Team Member: Integrate with authentication system, Get feedback from Product owner on page design, update app server to latest version, borrow jphone
from the lab, continuous integration server
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester: Test, grades database, Integrate, Page layout, code, feedback, documentation,
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have App server, jphone, Ci server
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Team Member: Still think we can do this in two weeks, without compromising our definition of done and without working overtime?
Team: Yes
Team Member: Anyone think we can't do it?
Quiz 9: Team
Who is responsible for committing to work in the Sprint Planning Meeting?
No A. The Project Manager
No B. The ScrumMaster
Yes C. Team
Team: Cool! what about the next one?
Product Manager: Update Grade, current semester
As a teacher, I can update grades online so I no longer depend on administrators to do it for me.
Effort: medium
ScrumMaster: As we discussed during the Backlog Refinement Meeting, this one's tougher. Now our product must write our records to the database
without breaking the legacy system.
Team: Write tests proving we don't break the legacy system, Write tests proving the legacy system doesn't break us. analyze the legacy database schema.
Write code using Test driven Development (TDD) and pair programming, write HTML/CSS for update form, get feedback from real teacher, Add link from
the display list to the update form
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester: Test, grades database, Integrate, Page layout, code, feedback, documentation,
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have App server, jphone, Ci server
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Update Grade, current semester Write tests proving we don't break the legacy system
As a teacher, I can update grades online so I no longer depend on Write tests proving the legacy system doesn't break us
administrators to do it for me. analyze the legacy database schema, Write code usingTDD
Effort: medium and Pair programming, Write HTML/CSS for Update form
Get feedback from teacher, Add link to update form
Team Member: Can we do both of the PBIs in 2 week without compromising definition of done and without working overtime?
Team: Yes
Team Member: Anyone think we can't do it?
Product Owner: What about attendance? I would love to see that working.
Team: No
Team Member: We think this is enough work for one sprint. Anyway, Attendance isn't related to Sprint goal you declared.
Scrum Master: A Lean principle behind Scrum is to limit Work in progress (WIP). Humans don't multitask efficiently. Too much Work in progress (WIP)
actually slows things down.
Quiz10: Scrum Master
Which is a better measure of progress?
No A. How much work has been started.
Yes B. How much work has been finished.
Team Member: That's a lot of tasks. Should we decide which individuals are doing which tasks now?
Scrum Master: We tried that before, and discovered it led to less fluid collaboration than deciding during Sprint execution.
Team Member: Yeah, I signed up for too much in the beginning, and I was embarrased to ask the rest of you for help.
Product Owner: After that, in our Sprint Retrospective Meeting. we decided team members should wait until the last responsible moment to volunteer for
ScrumMaster: One last check. Are you committed to these four PBIs as a team, even if it turns out to require different tasks?
Team Member: Yes, if you'll protect us from people asking us to do other things.
ScrumMaster: I'll protect you from people asking you to do other things.
Team Member: Then we'll commit.
Team: Yes!
Product Owner: I'll be available during the Sprint to make the final call about requirements questions. If you like, I can also attend your Daily Scrum
ScrumMaster: I declare the Sprint Planning Meeting over!
Quiz11: Sprint Master
How Many Sprints are planned during a Sprint Planning Meeting?
No A. All the Sprints left in the project. We know more on the first day of a project then we will know in the future.
Yes B. One Sprint only. Once the team has established a consistent velocity, the Product Owner can use this velocity to make longer range forcasts and
release plans.
No C. Four Sprints.
Quiz 12: Sprint Master
Who must attend the Sprint Planning Meeting?
Yes A. product Owner
Yes B. Scrum development Team
Yes C. Scrum Master
No D. Outside Stakeholders
No. E The manager of the team members.
Quiz13: Scrum Master
What does the team attempt to do during its very first Sprint?
Yes A. Analyze, design, build, integrate, and test a potentially shippable product increment, even if its features are initially simple and small.
No B. Analyze requirements only
No C. Analyze requirements, and put together infrastucture only.
Quiz 14: Scrum Master
Which of the following are true regarding Product Backlog Items (PBIs) and tasks?
Yes A. A PBI is more about what than the how. A task is more about the how.
Yes B. A well-formed PBI represents distinct business value, ideally from the customer's perspective. A task is just a step by the team to create that value.
Yes C. A task should be no bigger than one day of work.
Yes D. Some Scrum Teams who have learnt how to define small enough pBIs no longer finds tasks necessary
Yes E. A product backlog should contain well forms PBIs and not tasks.
Notes from the video: I have tried to type the contents in this video as part of my reference. Please check the video link.
Team has already conducted backlog refinement meeting. Now we are ready for Sprint Planning meeting.
Team Room
Scrum Master: Hello. As your ScrumMaster, I'll be facilitating our sprint planning meeting. During this meeting the product owner and the development
team will agree to sprint goals and will negotiate which items from the product backlog will be committed to the sprint backlog. We have a 4 hour timebox
to plan in a 2 weeks sprint. Any questions?
typically on 1st wk Monday 9am to 1pm
--(Two week sprint (wk 1 M-F and wk 2-M-F)
--Wk -1Monday- Sprint planning meeting (4 hours- 9 am to 1 pm), wk 2 Wed Backlog Refinement Meeting ( 2 hours 1-3pm), Sprint review meeting 2nd
--Friday (2 hrs 10-12) noon and again 2nd week Friday (2 hours 1-3pm).)
Quiz 1 (scrum master)
What's the difference between the product backlog and the sprint backlog?
No A. There is no difference
No B. The product backlog contains features, while sprint backlog contains bugs.
Yes C. The product backlog contains everything we might ever work on, while sprint backlog contains just the things we'll work on during one sprint.
Scrum Master: Also during this meeting, the team will come up with an initial list of tasks necessary to complete the committed PBIs.
|Committed backlog items Not started In Progress completed |
Quiz 2: Scrum Master
Should the team expect to know all the tasks necessary to complete the committed PBIs during the Sprint Planning Meeting?
Yes A. No. According to Agile Management with Scrum, only 60% of the tasks are likely to be identified during the Sprint Planning Meeting. Other tasks,
such as unanticipated dependencies, will be discovered during Sprint execution.
No B. Yes. The most important thing is to make sure everyone is busy every hour of the entire Sprint.
Scrum Master: In the original scrum book, this is a 2 part meeting. Sprint Planning Part 1 is for committing the product Backlog Items (PBIs), and Sprint
Planning Part 2 is for coming up with tasks. This is important for multi-team Scrum. Since we are only one team and the product owner is available the
whole meeting, we can mix up the two parts. Product Owner, is the product proritized the way you want it?
Product Owner: Well, mostly. I just realized that GPA is more important than Attendance.
As a student, I see my grades online so that I don't have to wait until get to school to know whether I'm passing. Acceptance Criteria/Done.
View Grades, current semester: As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm
As a teacher, I can update grades online so I no longer depend on administrators to do it for me.
Event Calendar
Alumni Archives
Scholarship award
Report Card
View Grades, previous semester: As a student, I can see my old grades because I lost my report card.
Product Owner continued: That's more like it. Fortunately we got the Product Backlog into good shape during the last Product Backlog Refinement Meeting.
Team Member: How long is the Sprint that we are planning?
Quiz 3: Team member
What is the longest allowable iteration, or Sprint, in Scrum?
Yes A. 30. days, or one month calendar month
No B. Six weeks
No C. It depends how much work was committed to the Sprint.
Scrum Master: we do two weeks Sprints on this team.
Team Member: two weeks? So we'll do the testing in another sprint?
No A. Yes. We cannot learn how to code and test in one Sprint.
Yes B No. In
Scrum Master Continued: Scrum teams attempt to build a potentially shippable product incremenat every sprint. This requires every Sprint to have a mix of
analysis, design, implementation, testing,integration and even deployment.
Team Member: How will we get all that done in two weeks?
Scrum Master: During Backlog Refinement, we divided the original epics into smaller user stories, representing thin vertical slices. We'll still have to work
together during the sprint more than a traditional team. That's why we go to the team room. Also remember it's my job to prevent other people from
interrupting you with unrelated work.
Product Owner: If anyone asks you to do anything unrelated to our Sprint goals, send them to me so we can add it to the Product Backlog. I won't interrupt
your Sprint unless it's an emergency.
Quiz: 5
How can one Scrum team build a potentially shippable product increment within one Sprint?
Yes A. By agreeing to a smaller amount of feature scope at the Sprint Planning Meeting, allowing more time for integration, testing, and fixing during each
Yes B. By using modern software engineering approaches such as test-driven development (TDD), continuous integration, merciless refactoring
Yes C. By improved collaboration techniques: pair programming, working in a team room, and eliminating "over the wall" hand offs.
Yes D. By full-time allocation to one team, focusing on only one set of sprint goals.
Yes E. By checking code in multiple times per day, and by reducing or eliminating branches in the version control system
Yes F. By organizing teams around features rather than architectual components.
No G. They cannot do it. It's too difficult to code and test in one sprint.
Quiz 6
A 30-day Sprint uses a 1-day timebox for the Sprint Planning Meeting. How long should the Sprint should the Sprint Planning Meeting be for two weeks
No A. 1 day
No B. 15 minutes
Yes C. 4 hours
No D. 1 hour
ScrumMaster: Don't forget the timebox, guys. You have 4 hours to plan a two week Sprint.
Team Member: What are our goals for this Sprint.
Product owner: This Sprint I'd be happy to see some rudimentary capabilities with grading.
Team Member: This is the product Owner's top prority item. Do the rest of you think we could do this in our two-week Sprint?
Product Owner:View Grades, Current Semester:
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Team member: What's our definition of done?
Quiz7: ScrumMaster
To avoid technical debt, what should the team write down in their definition of done?
Yes A. All previous regression tests pass.
Yes B. Regression tests for new functionality run automatically with every build.
Yes C. Code has been written by pairs, or at least reviewed by other team members.
No D. Nothing. It is not helpful to write down important agreements
Yes E. Duplicate code has been removed through refactoring
Yes F Messy and poorly designed code has been cleaned up through refactoring.
Yes G. Manual, exploratory testing has been conducted.
Yes H. Checkout and build are fully reproducible, typically with one or two commands.
ScrumMaster: Done is properly tested, refactored, potentially shippable
Team Member: I think I get it. We're building a product increment which could be shipped if the product Owner decided it has enough features.
Product Owner: I can live with something that works properly. The complexity can be folded in later.
Team Member: Does everyone agree the View Grades, current semester PBI will require some testing tasks?
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester:
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Quiz 8: Team Member
Do you agree the PBI will need some testing tasks?
Yes A. Yes. If the team learns to use Test Driven Development (TDD), some of this will be handled implicitly and repeatably. Manual exploratory testing is
also important.
No B. No. Testing should be done at the end of the project. There's always enough time at the end of the project.
Scrum Master: ( adds Test to not Started)
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester: Test
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Team Member: Also, we have to decide how to access the grades database,
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester: Test, grades database
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Team Member: It will take a little design work to lay out the page.
ScrumMaster: ( adds Page layout)
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester: Test, grades database,
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have Page Layout
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Team Member -1: What about the code?
Team Member -2: Write code using test driven development (TDD) and pair programming
Team Member -1: Our Test driven Development (TDD) skills aren't that good yet. This will take a bit longer than our old way of working.
ScrumMaster: Yes, initially it will feel like going slower. If you commit as a team to use Agile engineering practices consistently, you'll eventually be faster
from a business perspective. Using craftmanship to build innovative products is not about how fast you type code. What other tasks are missing to het this
into a potentially shippable state?
Team Member: Integrate with authentication system, Get feedback from Product owner on page design, update app server to latest version, borrow jphone
from the lab, continuous integration server
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester: Test, grades database, Integrate, Page layout, code, feedback, documentation,
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have App server, jphone, Ci server
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Team Member: Still think we can do this in two weeks, without compromising our definition of done and without working overtime?
Team: Yes
Team Member: Anyone think we can't do it?
Quiz 9: Team
Who is responsible for committing to work in the Sprint Planning Meeting?
No A. The Project Manager
No B. The ScrumMaster
Yes C. Team
Team: Cool! what about the next one?
Product Manager: Update Grade, current semester
As a teacher, I can update grades online so I no longer depend on administrators to do it for me.
Effort: medium
ScrumMaster: As we discussed during the Backlog Refinement Meeting, this one's tougher. Now our product must write our records to the database
without breaking the legacy system.
Team: Write tests proving we don't break the legacy system, Write tests proving the legacy system doesn't break us. analyze the legacy database schema.
Write code using Test driven Development (TDD) and pair programming, write HTML/CSS for update form, get feedback from real teacher, Add link from
the display list to the update form
Committed Backlog Items Not Started
View Grades, Current Semester: Test, grades database, Integrate, Page layout, code, feedback, documentation,
As a student, I can see my grades online so that I don't have App server, jphone, Ci server
to wait until I get to school to know whether I'm passing.
Acceptance criteria: Columns align neatly on Fingerfly 4.1 and IPhone
Effort: SMALL
Update Grade, current semester Write tests proving we don't break the legacy system
As a teacher, I can update grades online so I no longer depend on Write tests proving the legacy system doesn't break us
administrators to do it for me. analyze the legacy database schema, Write code usingTDD
Effort: medium and Pair programming, Write HTML/CSS for Update form
Get feedback from teacher, Add link to update form
Team Member: Can we do both of the PBIs in 2 week without compromising definition of done and without working overtime?
Team: Yes
Team Member: Anyone think we can't do it?
Product Owner: What about attendance? I would love to see that working.
Team: No
Team Member: We think this is enough work for one sprint. Anyway, Attendance isn't related to Sprint goal you declared.
Scrum Master: A Lean principle behind Scrum is to limit Work in progress (WIP). Humans don't multitask efficiently. Too much Work in progress (WIP)
actually slows things down.
Quiz10: Scrum Master
Which is a better measure of progress?
No A. How much work has been started.
Yes B. How much work has been finished.
Team Member: That's a lot of tasks. Should we decide which individuals are doing which tasks now?
Scrum Master: We tried that before, and discovered it led to less fluid collaboration than deciding during Sprint execution.
Team Member: Yeah, I signed up for too much in the beginning, and I was embarrased to ask the rest of you for help.
Product Owner: After that, in our Sprint Retrospective Meeting. we decided team members should wait until the last responsible moment to volunteer for
ScrumMaster: One last check. Are you committed to these four PBIs as a team, even if it turns out to require different tasks?
Team Member: Yes, if you'll protect us from people asking us to do other things.
ScrumMaster: I'll protect you from people asking you to do other things.
Team Member: Then we'll commit.
Team: Yes!
Product Owner: I'll be available during the Sprint to make the final call about requirements questions. If you like, I can also attend your Daily Scrum
ScrumMaster: I declare the Sprint Planning Meeting over!
Quiz11: Sprint Master
How Many Sprints are planned during a Sprint Planning Meeting?
No A. All the Sprints left in the project. We know more on the first day of a project then we will know in the future.
Yes B. One Sprint only. Once the team has established a consistent velocity, the Product Owner can use this velocity to make longer range forcasts and
release plans.
No C. Four Sprints.
Quiz 12: Sprint Master
Who must attend the Sprint Planning Meeting?
Yes A. product Owner
Yes B. Scrum development Team
Yes C. Scrum Master
No D. Outside Stakeholders
No. E The manager of the team members.
Quiz13: Scrum Master
What does the team attempt to do during its very first Sprint?
Yes A. Analyze, design, build, integrate, and test a potentially shippable product increment, even if its features are initially simple and small.
No B. Analyze requirements only
No C. Analyze requirements, and put together infrastucture only.
Quiz 14: Scrum Master
Which of the following are true regarding Product Backlog Items (PBIs) and tasks?
Yes A. A PBI is more about what than the how. A task is more about the how.
Yes B. A well-formed PBI represents distinct business value, ideally from the customer's perspective. A task is just a step by the team to create that value.
Yes C. A task should be no bigger than one day of work.
Yes D. Some Scrum Teams who have learnt how to define small enough pBIs no longer finds tasks necessary
Yes E. A product backlog should contain well forms PBIs and not tasks.
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